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20 recommendations on how to create high-quality adaptive search ads in Google Ads

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How to create an effective adaptive ad in Google Ads

Within the ever-evolving landscape of online marketing, adaptive search ads have become paramount for impactful promotions. As Google Ads solidifies its role as an essential platform for businesses around the world, mastering the art of curating exceptional adaptive ads is more vital than ever. Dive into this detailed guide to gain 20 expert insights that will enhance the efficacy and appeal of your promotional campaigns.

  1. Forming semantics

First group the semantics by 7-10-15 similar keys in a group. You can do more, no one forbids, but to preserve the maximum possible semantic and lexical relevance of phrases in the group.

2. Fill in all 15 titles and 4 descriptions

This allows Google Ads to create a variety of variable ads for completely different audience groups. It is necessary to give as much information as possible to obtain the highest results .

3. Fill in the maximum possible number of all types of extensions

  • phone
  • images (still not available in all accounts yet)
  • address or different addresses in the corresponding ad groups if you advertise a network of branches
  • form for potential customers
  • 2-4 different promotions
  • 2-4 structured descriptions with a total length of up to 40 characters each, but they have now stopped being shown almost completely
  • 10 clarifications: from short 13-16 characters to longer 20-25 characters
  • 10 long add-links up to 20-25 characters + 2 lines of description of each add-link
  • 10 short additional links up to 15-16 characters indicating the priority of impressions on mobile phones + 2 lines of description of each additional link
  • 3-6 price feeds with 3-8 price cards in each feed.

Even the same price feed can be added 3 times, but with a different order of cards in it, and it will look completely different in the search results.

For a variety of visual perception of information in prices, sort cards in different feeds:

  • or ascending /descending prices;
  • or according to the priority of the product/service;
  • or the first / last to put a card with a zero in the price and a signature that you provide something for free;
  • or in different feeds, just swap the title bar and the description of the price card, and leave the price itself the same.

4. Use 3-4 different keywords from each group in different headings.

Differentiation will help you achieve even greater results and quickly understand the optimal solutions for your work in Google ads.

5. If the key does not fit into the title, make a title from the most important words in the phrase

Conciseness often helps to avoid "trash" traffic and choose the most accurate keywords to promote your business.

6. Solutions for long keywords

If all the keywords in the group are more than 30 characters and do not fit into the title, make 3-4 different titles so that each of them includes different words that make up the keywords in the group.

7. A variety of headings with a large volume of keywords

If there are much more than 10-15 keys in a group, make 3-4 headings in such a way that as many unique most important words as possible are used in them, which make up the key phrases, so that the headings differ from each other as much as possible. But it is better not to create very large groups with many keys.

8. Use {keyword} ONCE

Use dynamic key substitution {KeyWord} in one of the headers, it is pointless to insert it into several headers, just once is enough.

9. 1 keyword - 1 title

Do not use two identical formulations in the headings, i.e. do not duplicate the same keyword, thesis, benefit, USP, call to action in two different headings, and even more so do not multiply the same wording for all 15 headings, creating a pseudo-appearance of fullness of all 15 headings.

10. Сhange the length of headers

Write headlines of different lengths: from short 15 characters to long 30 characters. Sometimes short formulations give great results.

11. Write descriptions and benefits that are completely different from each other in meaning

That is, if you have written a info about delivery, then you do not need to write anything about delivery in other headings again. Do not provoke competition between your ads with each other.

12. Using the {KeyWord} macro

Use the {KeyWord} macro in two of the four descriptions. No one forbids using it in each of the four descriptions. Specific style.

13. Fix no more than one header

Fixing several titles at once directly entails a decrease in the quality of ads. It is very dangerous to detach them all, because combinations of second and third headers will be generated in such combinations when the advertising object does not fall into any of the headers at all, and the user will only have to guess what your ad is about.

14. Do not pin descriptions

There is no need to fix them. This is not a title in which it is necessary to show the object of advertising, and even preferably with the occurrence of a keyword. It makes absolutely no difference which of the four descriptions will appear.

15. Use modifiers in titles and description

Logical IF operators for substituting texts for the type of device or audience any audience from your account, not necessarily the remarketing audience, it can also be an audience of interests.

{LOCATION(City)} for substituting the city in which the user is located or in which the user is interested, depending on the geotargeting settings in the RK.

16. Re-refinement of keywords

In addition to using {KeyWord}, mention the advertising object again in the descriptions so that it exactly matches what is in the keywords and in the headings. Suppose the niche is digital marketing, there is already a keyword or macro {KeyWord} in the title, there is also a {KeyWord} in the description, mention the word "advertising" or "promotion" in 1-2 descriptions in the text 1-2 more times, and in the description 3-4 without them list only theses and benefits.

17. Compilation of additional texts

To compose the texts of extensions in such a way that their formulations are:

  • or universally applicable to the entire account at once;
  • or make several collections of more narrowly targeted specific formulations of extensions to certain advertising campaigns or clusters of ad groups;
  • And add them either to separate RC, or at the level of the corresponding ad groups, thereby creating a very relevant bunch of keywords + ad + extension.

18. URL gives an impact

In the displayed URL, use the most common words that make up the keywords in the group. This will give you a better chance of attracting more traffic.

19. Do not group short keys with long ones

That is, do not group semantics so that phrases from 1-2 words fall into one group with phrases from 3+ words.

In the keys of 1 word, it is absolutely impossible to determine the search intent. In the keys of 2 words with the definition of intent, it is already a little better, due to the additional second word, the wording is already more refined, what the user wants, but still two–worders are Schrodinger keys, which very rarely unambiguously denote a hot intent.

Therefore, it is better to put them in separate groups. And more targeted specific 3+ word keys should be grouped separately among themselves. Thus, we fulfill the condition that not a single keyword in the group reduces the CTR, quality and relevance of ads for all other keys in the group. And even if they do, it will happen in a separate group, and it will not harm more target keys.

20. Do not use "cold" keywords in semantics

Do not group them into the same groups with more targeted warm and hot keys. If you use cold semantics, then it is necessary only in separate ad groups:

Information keys are requests in which a need is just beginning to form, or the user is looking for a way to solve the problem on his own, not yet being aware that the problem cannot be solved with his own hands, or the user is purposefully looking only for information to see/ read in order to do everything himself (technology, methods, distinguish, advantages, description, types, methods, types, varieties, features, there are, tips, popular, differences, differences, forum, for free, with your own hands, yourself, yourself, etc.)

Keys with informational stop words are all the same as described above, only these are the service parts of speech from which such requests can begin or which can be in the middle of the request (how, and, what, is it, what, whether, where, it is possible, or, oh, about, what, about, such, why, should, who, to, if, why, that, this, etc.)
Early stages of demand — when the user is already familiar with the problem and is already looking for options for either products or sellers/performers (choose, rating, best, most, options, choice, quality, reliable, compare, compare, assortment, famous, etc.)

Multimedia/photo queries are semantic analogues of the queries "rating, choose, options", etc., only here is a direct request to search for images (photos, modern, stylish, beautiful, ideas, samples, fashionable, new, pictures, real, trends, solutions, show, unusual, example, interesting, rubik, photos, view, practical, taste, combination, hit, portfolio, trends, etc.)

Competitive keys (product brands, company names)
Competitors' locations (districts, microdistricts, places in the city, streets, names of buildings, colloquial folk names of districts and places in the city)

The examples of words given above in parentheses are taken from a real project and are arranged in descending order of the frequency of occurrence of words in the history of search queries for a considerable period of accumulation of statistics.

21. Post scriptum

The following thesis should be added as paragraph 21, but it is with a big reservation, so I'll just add it at the end.

According to the context, there is an opinion in chat rooms and public places that the relevance of the landing page to the keywords in the group, as well as the headings and texts of the ad itself also affects the quality of adaptive ads.

But there is no mention of this either in the Google Ads Help or in the web interface for creating adaptive ads, and there is no evidence of this in practice either. The "excellent" quality of ads was also received from me by ads launched on a regular landing page, and since the site is single-page, then there can be no question of any relevance to different keys in different ad groups, in principle.

In any case, a multi-page website will always, always, always, absolutely in all 100% of cases kick outsingle-page website in terms of effectiveness, no matter what anyone says and no matter how they defend the landings.

Because the content of landings is not able to meet the demand simultaneously for a variety of user intentions, pains, stages of being in the funnel, product segments, services, audience, as well as advertising regions and even languages.

Creating a multi-page website with a lot of relevant landing pages will affect not so much the quality of ads (if at all it will have any effect), but rather:

  • meeting the expectations of the audience from the content of the page
  • awareness of the target audience about your advertising object
  • convenient and intuitive navigation to the most important elements of the interface for decision-making
  • the speed of decision making
  • conversion into a target action
  • the number and quality of leads
  • the final cost of the lead and sales
Optimizing adaptive search ads is now not just a competitive edge, but an imperative. When applying these 20 strategies, always bear in mind that standout ads are those that align with the audience's desires and expectations, integrating effortlessly into their search journey. With commitment, iterative testing, and continuous improvement, your Google Ads endeavors can set new standards in digital marketing excellence.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions about adaptive ads in Google Ads

Head of PPC advertising and web design department in WGG agency
Author - Head of PPC advertising and web design department
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