Have you ever wondered how you perceive information: visually, by ear or through emotions? Which senses are more important to you? What do you pay attention to first: the picture, the sound, the feeling? Which is easier and more interesting for you: watch a video, read a book or listen to audio? Which do you prefer more: movies, music or literature?
Each of us has the same senses: eyes - vision, ears - hearing, tongue - taste, nose - smell, skin - tactility. We all see the same thing, hear the same thing, feel the same thing, but perceive everything differently. You can bet that we all feel differently. But after all, everyone feels cold as cold, and heat as heat. It's just that someone likes the heat, and someone likes the cold. It turns out that it's not about the senses, but about how the brain perceives and processes information.
Ways of perceiving information
Sight, hearing, smell and touch play an important role in how we communicate, perceive the surrounding reality and interact with the world. It is important for someone to contemplate beauty, another needs to hear birds singing in the morning, a third needs to pet a cat. Since we are more willing to communicate with those who share our vision of the world, it is extremely important for anyone, not to mention marketers, to know the characteristics of visual, auditory and kinesthetic ways of perceiving information and to be able to identify them in others.
Why is this important? The fact is that understanding different types of information perception helps to convey your message, thought, or point of view to other people in a way that is familiar to them. If someone perceives information poorly, they may have chosen the wrong source. But once you change the way information is transmitted, everything falls into place.
For example, you complain that the instructions are written in such a complicated language that you have read them three times, but have not understood anything. But as soon as you watched the tutorial video, everything immediately became clear. However, if you give the same instruction to another person, they can figure it out the first time. Although the video may be incomprehensible and even uninteresting to him.
In general, our whole life consists of communication, and advertising is one of the ways the seller communicates with the buyer, the brand with the audience. If you learn to identify your audience by the way you perceive information, you will be able to interact with it effectively. And this is exactly what is needed in business promotion.
Visuals, Acoustics, Kinesthetes
Back in the 20s of the last century, psychologists came to the conclusion that most people perceive information in one of three ways: visual, acoustic, kinesthetic. As a result of analysis and research, they identified three types of people according to the way they perceive information: visuals, acoustics, kinesthetes. Of course, the classification was later expanded and refined. But these three types are taken as the basis.
They say about some people that they have a photographic memory: they looked at it once and remembered it for the rest of their lives. They say about others that they have very sensitive hearing: they can hear a mile away. About the third, they say that they feel, that is, they literally feel this world at their fingertips. Three different types of people require different approaches to communication and behavior. For successful interaction, you need to find the key to everyone.
Visuals are dominated by vision. They better assimilate and remember the information presented in infographics, pictures, diagrams. Such an audience should be attracted through the interactive presentation of information. Stories, reels, shorts, memes, GIFs, live broadcasts, and gamification work great.
How to identify visuals
Most often, visual artists use similar expressions in their speech:
What is he like...
Just look at this...
I need to see the whole situation.
Characteristic features of visuals:
Remembers information visually;
Likes to watch movies;
He loves fine art;
Loves to contemplate beauty;
An aesthete in everything;
He likes to go to museums, art galleries;
They are distracted by what is happening around them during speech;
Watching more than talking;
Finds oral instructions difficult;
Has a beautiful handwriting.
Acoustics are dominated by hearing. They prefer to listen, react quickly to sounds, sometimes talk to themselves or repeat what they have heard aloud. Such an audience should be attracted through the acoustic presentation of information. Podcasts, audiobooks, voice ads, voice search, and storytelling work great.
How to identify acoustics
Most often, acoustics use similar expressions in their speech:
I heard you...
It sounds normal to me...
Characteristic features of acoustics:
Likes to talk, perform in public;
A natural speaker;
Sociable by nature;
Easily distracted by sounds during speech;
Loves music;
Loves to sing;
He attends concerts, theaters, and the Philharmonic;
Enjoys listening to information;
Talking to himself out loud;
Has difficulty with written instructions.
Kinesthetes are dominated by emotions, feelings, and empathy. They prefer a practical approach with the ability to touch, feel, try on, smell. Such an audience needs to be attracted through emotional triggers, empathy, immersive technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality. Virtual fitting rooms, metaverses, and interior design planners work great.
How to identify kinesthetes
Kinesthetes most often use similar expressions in their speech:
Do you feel...
It seems right...
I want to try it...
Characteristic features of kinesthetes:
Leads an active lifestyle;
Uses facial expressions and gestures during speech;
Expresses emotions;
Does not like to read and write;
Likes to touch people while talking;
Tapping with a pencil or foot during a conversation;
Getting to know new things tactilely;
Remembers smells, sensations, emotions;
Evokes associations in memory;
She dresses in comfortable clothes.
Do not forget about this and try to work for 3 target audiences at once. This way you will get more customers. We are ready to help you with all types of people at once.
The main types of information perception include visual (through sight), acoustic (through hearing), and kinesthetic (through touch and emotions).
Understanding the ways of information perception helps tailor your marketing strategies to effectively communicate and engage with your target audience, ensuring your message resonates with them on their preferred sensory channel.
Marketers can appeal to visual learners by incorporating infographics, diagrams, and visually engaging content like stories, reels, and memes to capture their attention.
Strategies for reaching acoustic learners include podcasts, audiobooks, voice advertisements, and utilizing storytelling that they can listen to, providing a more engaging experience.
Brands can engage kinesthetic learners by using emotional triggers, immersive technologies like augmented reality (AR), and interactive content that allows for a tactile or emotionally resonant experience.