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"On the main screen, you lose more than 50% of applications." How to increase the profit from the website.

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The main thing in business is money in your pocket. All entrepreneurs strive to increase profits by scaling investments in advertising. But you can get more at the same expenses by simply optimizing the available sources!

The first screen of the site is not called the main one for nothing. After all, when a person visits a website, what does he see first? That's right, the main screen. And the visitor should instantly read all the information

The main screen should answer all potential customer questions

When a visitor visit the site, he has several subconscious questions in his head that he always ask before saying something. If we answer this correctly, the customer will have no reason not to buy. This is not a working out of objections, but a little different. The questions are subconscious. Most of them are suitable for any business, but sometimes it happens that they need to be supplemented with several more.
example of a call to action

Your home screen should answer at least these questions

1. What are you selling?

If a person does not understand what you are selling, he will not buy the product. And in the case of the main screen, it will simply go away. After all, even when a person is purposefully looking for something, he compares not one, not two, but many sites (I think it's clear that if a person wasn't looking for your product, the more it's necessary to explain what you're selling). And he will not study your site carefully if the main screen "did not interested". He has so many other sites.

2. Why should I be interested in this?

It is necessary to answer, of course, not directly. Not "you should be interested in our offer, because we... blah, blah, blah", but in meanings. For example, you can put the answer to this question in the title, in the form of a sentence. In general, most of these questions can be answered in the title using positioning.
example of a call to action

3. How do you differ from your competitors?

Be sure to show how you are better than your competitors. And again, it is necessary to respond with meanings. When we conduct audits of small business websites, we often see blocks like "why are we better than competitors". These are absolutely useless and even harmful blocks. They are formulaic, which means they are uninteresting. They are not read. After all, everyone has fast delivery and qualified employees, what's new? Such blocks are not readable simply because of banner blindness. Therefore, the difference between competitors needs to be shown in a different way. Ideally — by positioning.

4. How much does your product cost?

The price for many is the deciding factor. Therefore, if you have a good price, you should show it. But there are situations when it is either impossible to show the price, or physically impossible. Then you need to explain why there is no price. After all, if you just "keep silent", a person will leave the site angry without finding the price. And he won't even read what you actually offer him. Of course, there are times when the price on the main screen can scare you away. And it happens the other way around. Therefore, test and track the results.

5. Can I trust you?

Trust is one of the most important criteria for buying. If a person does not trust you, he will not buy, even if you have the best offer. Confidence can be increased, showing estimates with independent portals (Google maps for example), describing the membership in a distinguished society, showing the case, etc. There are a lot of elements, you need to choose those that will suit you specifically. I compose these elements when I conduct a deep pre-project study of a product, customers, competitors, etc.

6. What do I need to do?

Elementary — people need to be shown exactly where to poke in order to get your product. Only a very interested client, who needs your product extremely, will be able to climb the site and search for your number on his own. As you know, if there are such, then there are very, very few of them.
example of a call to action

7. Why do I need to do this right now?

Also one of the main issues, as I think. After all, it happens that a person liked everything, he is ready to order, but... "Later, after work" or "later, now the money should be spent on something else." And this "then" turns into "never". Be sure to answer this question. Just please, not in the form of a timer with the inscription "your discount will end in 10... 9... 8 ..." It rarely works.

Answer with meaning. Say, for example, that you will raise prices tomorrow due to inflation. (If it's true, of course. You can't lie to customers, it will only get worse. Try to build a partnership with the client).

The task of the main screen is for a person to leave a request or continue reading the site

The most important task is for you to start interacting with the client right from the home screen. To do this, you can use buttons, for example, quizzes. But there is one caveat. Since people are used to quizzes, they know that they need to give away their contacts, and they do not want to do this. How to get around this "dislike"? Just don't ask for contacts. And say it in the offer to pass the quiz. And what is it needed for then?

Contacts can be obtained in other ways. And the quiz is not a panacea. You can ask contacts for a discount on the product offered after passing the quiz. Or do not ask at all — just track those who have passed to the end and post a retarget on them. Waul, and we got the benefit, and the client was not strained. There are a lot of options.

The action on the home screen should not cause stress

Almost any interaction with the outside world (the site) is stressful. The biggest stress in this area is buying. Therefore, this action should be only after you have made the person want to buy himself. It is for this reason that the "buy" button on the home screen does not work. Of course, if she's not the only one on the whole site, then yes, someone clicks on her.

A person visiting the site is not ready to buy right away. After all, he doesn't know anything about the product yet. Also, rarely anyone is ready to leave requests for a callback on the main screen (again, if this is not the only form). After all, transferring your contacts is also stressful. "What if they call me when I don't want to?"; "What if they send spam?".

The least stressful are buttons with lead magnets that do not require data or online calculators.
The older generation, for example, does not understand quizzes and other innovations. They either need to be explained or done differently. Also, I usually advise giving the client the opportunity to contact you via messenger — it's easier than calling. Especially for young people. But the older the generation, the more they call. Consider these features.
example of a facebook text

The picture on the main screen should convey the value

On our clients' websites, we see how stock photos or graphics that do not describe the product are put in the form of pictures. But the place on the main screen is golden, there is always a danger of "overloading". And to occupy this place with a stock image is absolutely the wrong decision.

What do we say when we mean that a picture should convey value? It should show either the result of the product, or the product itself and its advantages (for example, a photo by the type of images on Amazon).

For example, such a basic product structure immediately demonstrates the product. Its entire composition, without deception or metaphors. The goods are clearly indicated and demonstrated and the buyer knows what he is paying money for.
example of a facebook text
You can also use a video or screencast of the product for 5-8 seconds (that's how much, in my experience, they pay to the usual main screen). Of course, also with advantages. Or you can put a short case instead of a picture. The main thing is that the picture conveys value.
Of course, every business is different, and we cannot say that you 100% need to replace your button with a quiz and pull all visitors to the messenger. You always need a deep pre—project study to pass all the information through your filter (or even better - through WGG agency) before implementing it. These are universal tools that work in most small businesses. But everything needs to be tested before pouring in million-dollar budgets.
Head of PPC advertising and web design department in WGG agency
Author - Head of PPC advertising and web design department

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