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Humanization of business: Illusion of communication with a real person

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Futuristic books and films have shaped our image of a future filled with androids and other humanized machines.

And today we can say with confidence that the process of humanization in business has begun. What is this being done for?

Even in one-click debit applications, communication is indispensable: users are offered goods/services, they make a choice, agree to the terms and finally pay. There is no personal communication, for the benefit of introverts. And there is communication.

And the more convenient, clearer and more effective this communication with the consumer is, the more willing he is to part with his hard-earned money.

The difference between real and virtual communication

Businesses always pay great attention to building effective communication: they choose the manner of communication with consumers, ToV, staff uniforms and interior, scripts, regulations, and so on and so forth.

And at the same time, an interesting shift is taking place now – sales from offline are rapidly moving online. And along with this, one of the most important elements of communication disappears – personal communication.

The quality of communication suffers from this: A person perceives information best not from an electronic blockhead, but from the same person. Who speaks the same language with him, jokes understandable jokes, smiles and shows emotions. Online communication, especially automated communication, is devoid of all this.
sales manager in the shop
It is important that the process of humanizing modern machines (smartphones, applications and other technological products) has already begun and is rapidly gaining momentum.

After all, what is humanization? This is giving all kinds of objects the properties and traits inherent in people.

The reasons for the popularity of humanization

And why do they do it? Of course, to make it more pleasant for people to interact with these objects. In our entrepreneurial case, to increase the effectiveness of communication with the business and earn more money.

When we are engaged in gamification in business, we often create mascots and characters who communicate with users, tell them about the product, train and engage them in interaction with it. In other words, I am engaged in the humanization of the product.
duolingo example of mascot in app
This is done not only in order to build more effective communication, but also to make it better remembered by the consumer. After all, it's one thing to have another application. And quite another thing – a bright and interesting character inside. The same situation with mascots in advertising.

Examples by popular brands

M&M's: The anthropomorphized M&M's characters – Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Orange – are excellent examples of mascots that bring the brand to life. Each character has a distinct personality, making them relatable and memorable to consumers. These mascots engage in humorous and often relatable scenarios, making the brand feel friendly and approachable.
m&m: all mascots
KFC: KFC has brought Colonel Sanders to life in various ways, from actors portraying him in commercials to an animated character on social media. This consistent and humorous portrayal of Colonel Sanders keeps the brand’s heritage alive while making it relevant and engaging for modern audiences.

Duolingo: Duolingo's owl mascot, Duo, is a prime example of how a digital brand can humanize its offering. Duo appears in notifications and social media posts, often in humorous or motivational contexts, encouraging users to keep up with their language learning. This playful engagement makes the learning experience feel more personal and fun.

Geico: The Geico Gecko is one of the most recognizable mascots in the insurance industry. This charming and witty lizard adds a light-hearted touch to the otherwise dull subject of insurance. The Gecko's British accent and clever dialogue make Geico’s ads both entertaining and endearing, fostering a sense of trust and familiarity with the brand.
Geico mascot advertising
Mailchimp: Mailchimp’s use of quirky, humorous illustrations and its friendly monkey mascot, Freddie, gives the brand a distinctive and approachable personality. This playful branding helps demystify the complexities of email marketing, making it more accessible to small business owners.
The humanization of business, particularly through the use of mascots and characters, is a strategic approach to enhance communication and engagement with consumers. As technology continues to advance, the trend of humanizing digital interactions will likely become even more prevalent, further bridging the gap between businesses and their consumers.


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