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How to Organize a Cost-Effective Online Conference

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Table of contents of the article

The first step is to define the purpose of the event

The goals can be different: from selling online courses and increasing the number of clients to improving the company's image and creating a network of professional contacts. For example, you can set a goal to sell an online course for 500,000 AED or attract 100 new members to the design club.

We recommend converting the goal into a hypothesis and starting testing it.

Using a Gantt chart for planning

We use the Gantt chart to visualize and plan all stages of the conference preparation. This is a horizontal timeline on which tasks and their duration are marked. It can be created in Excel, Google Spreadsheets or other convenient online platforms.

Advantages of the Gantt chart

  • vision of the overall picture of the project;
  • time frame management;
  • coordinating the work of the team;
  • assigning and tracking tasks.
The Gantt chart helps to effectively manage all aspects of the conference, from setting goals to developing an event program.

Conference program: development and formats of events

The development of the conference program requires taking into account the interests and needs of the audience. Start by researching the target audience and identifying the topics that will be most relevant and interesting. It is important to draw up a detailed plan of presentations, workshops and discussions in order to keep the attention of participants and provide them with maximum value.

Stages of developing the conference program

  • Defining goals and objectives: clearly state what you want to achieve.
  • Selection of speakers
  • Selection of event formats: lectures, panel discussions, workshops.
  • Schedule and content development: plan the time and topics of the speeches.
  • Preparation of advertising content and design: create attractive materials for promotion.

Using the Gantt chart at this stage allows you to clearly define the timing of the preparation of each part of the program, coordinate the actions of the team and solve emerging problems in a timely manner. This ensures the consistency and organization of the entire process.

As a result of careful preparation and use of planning tools such as the Gantt chart, your online conference will become an effective and successful event that contributes to achieving your goals.

Technical aspects: choosing a platform

Let's consider the advantages of each of them:

  • Pruffme: intuitive interface, wide functionality for interactive interaction, high stability.

  • Google Meet: integration with Google Workspace, accessibility, ease of use.

  • Zoom: scalability, high reliability, the ability to record conferences.

  • Skype: simplicity and accessibility, especially for small events.

  • Bizon 365: the ability to hold large events, high reliability and functionality, integration with CRM and analytical systems.

Promotion and attraction of participants: minimum costs

Effective promotion of the event is the key to its success. So how can you promote an online conference with minimal cost?

  • Use social media
Create an event where your target audience is.

  • Partner programs
Involve information partners who will help spread the information about the conference. In exchange, offer to mention their brand on your website or during the event.

  • Electronic mailing lists
Use email marketing to alert your customer base. It is important to create a chain of letters that will fuel the audience's interest in the event.

  • Content Marketing
Publish articles, interviews with future speakers and thematic blog posts. Create intriguing content that will be interesting to your target audience.

  • A/B testing
Conduct testing of various marketing strategies to determine which ones are most effective.

Attracting sponsors and partners

Partners — contribute to increasing the loyalty of the participants of the conference, expanding the target audience. It is important to understand that the partnership should be mutually beneficial.

Determine what you can offer

Think about what benefits partners can get from participating in your event. These may include mentions in promotional materials, placement of logos on the website and in newsletters, the opportunity to speak at a conference and other bonuses.

Make a list of potential partners

Identify companies and organizations that may be interested in partnership. These can be companies from related industries, media, educational institutions.

Contact potential partners

Send partnership offers, describing all the benefits and conditions. Make sure that your offers look attractive and professional.

Make arrangements

Discuss the terms of cooperation and conclude agreements with partners. This will help to avoid misunderstandings and ensure successful cooperation.

Team setup: efficient task allocation

A well-coordinated team is needed to hold a high-quality conference. The minimum composition is:

  • Copywriter: creation of materials for the website, advertising and mailing lists;
  • Designer: visual design of the program;
  • PR specialist: development of a promotion strategy;
  • Technical specialist: ensuring the smooth operation of the platform;
  • Moderator: moderating the event and interacting with the participants.

Define roles within the team and minimize calls to external contractors. This will help to significantly reduce costs.
Assign responsibility for various aspects of the preparation and conduct of the conference
An example of what the minimum team composition might look like is described above.

Determine which of the employees can take on additional responsibilities

For example, who will be engaged in technical support, who will create promotional materials, and who will moderate the event.

Minimize the use of external contractors

This will help to reduce costs. If you have employees who can do the necessary work, use their skills and resources.

Use freelancers if necessary

If you do not have the opportunity to do all the work by your team, hire freelancers on a project basis. This will help reduce costs compared to hiring permanent employees.
An online conference is an opportunity to share knowledge and an effective tool to increase sales and attract new customers. The right organization allows you to significantly reduce costs and even with a minimum budget to hold an event that will pay off many times by increasing sales and attracting new customers.
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