Brand collaborations are not only a way to offer a new product together, but also a meaningful information guide. The market has been in some uncertainty lately, and any high-profile event can stir it up. Therefore, undoubtedly, bright non-standard projects of combining brands are waiting for us. If you look at the mobile, it's easy to remember Roblox, which is very popular with children. About 100 large e-comms have already created and posted their games on this platform.
In general, we can expect more high-profile projects, maybe it will be going offline with QR codes, virtual reality, some other forgotten or new formats, but there is a need for fresh impressions.
By the way, experiments as such, not only within the framework of collaborations, will also gain popularity. Last year we already saw significantly more flexible management of classrooms for running A/B tests, different approaches to users — pictures, videos, mini-games. According to statistics, each such experiment increases the conversion rate by up to 5%. It seems to be a low indicator, but in 5 or 10 attempts you can increase the influx of customers by half.