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30 ways to get positive feedback from your clients. A large checklist for businessmen.

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There is an opinion that getting a good review from a real client is a huge problem and in reality clients are ready to leave only negative mentions. And in fact, such a trend is taking place. Moreover, to write a negative review, customers do not need special motivation on your part, they will do everything themselves.

The reverse picture develops with positive reviews, because in the minds of most consumers, a high—quality service or a good product is a matter of course, and few people want to spend their time and energy writing a positive review.

As a result, if we made a mistake as a company when providing services (selling goods), the chance of getting a negative review (and thereby losing new potential customers) is extremely high, but if we did everything perfectly or even remarkably, then a positive review is by no means guaranteed. And so the question arises:

How to increase the number of positive reviews?

To answer it, I have compiled a checklist of 30 tips that will help you in the difficult struggle for positive feedback from our wonderful customers.

How to get positive feedback

Provide excellent quality of service, product or service: This is a banal, but at the same time a fundamental step towards getting positive feedback. When your product or service meets the customer's expectations, the probability of a positive review increases significantly.

Request a review manually: Personally contact the client and ask him to leave a review. This is also a rather banal step, but oddly enough, many people neglect it.

Offer bonuses for reviews: Encourage customers with bonuses, discounts or gifts for leaving reviews. It is necessary to approach this issue quite painstakingly and in addition to developing bonuses, it is necessary to give a specific direction where to leave a review. For example, we choose the most popular and relevant service for us: Google Maps.

Use QR Codes: Place QR codes on product packages or at service points so that customers can easily leave feedback. It should be placed where the client most often contacts your offer. This method can be used as an independent mechanism, for example, and in tandem with a higher-level method.
example of a call to action
Use Chatbots: Set up chatbots in messengers so that they automatically request feedback after the transaction.

Provide product samples for review: If you have products, provide them to bloggers or experts to write reviews. This is a fairly common mechanism that also gives advertising to your brand or product (if, of course, everything is fine with it).

Organize contests for the best review: Hold contests where customers can win prizes for the best review. The format is interesting, the main thing is to describe the rules of participation in detail and concretely, so as not to cause a wave of indignation from the participants and subsequently not to harm.

Provide gift cards: Give gift cards with discounts for the reviews left.
Provide the possibility of anonymous reviews: Some customers prefer to remain anonymous when writing reviews, give them this opportunity.
example of a facebook text
Use messengers: Send a message to customers via messengers asking them to leave a review. There are many services on the market that allow you to do this automatically, let's say. But of course you will have to deal with them a little.

Create a forum or discussions: Provide customers with a place where they can discuss your product or service. Thus, you will be able to attract more attention to them through direct dialogue with customers.

Organize workshops or webinars with reviews: Hold educational events and invite your clients there. In case of a successful event, you will be able to motivate customers to share their opinion about you personally.

Create a feedback page on your website: Provide customers with a place on your website where they can leave a review.

Use Social Media: Post feedback requests on your social media pages. For example, you can create a Facebook page. I am sure that you will learn a lot about yourself, the company, the product and the service. This format will help you more to understand where you are sinking and find points of growth.
example of a facebook text
Use PopUp windows on a website: Display a PopUp window asking you to leave a review after visiting the website. Of course, this is a bit of a repulsive and intrusive way, but nevertheless it has a place to be.

Create a loyalty program with bonuses for reviews: Enable the opportunity to earn bonuses or discounts for leaving reviews.

Create Branded Hashtags: Ask customers to use branded hashtags when posting reviews on social networks.

Organize Focus Groups: Conduct focus groups to get more detailed feedback from customers.
example of a facebook text
Organize affiliate programs with bloggers: Collaborate with bloggers and invite them to review your product.

Send a personalized email asking for feedback:  Use email marketing for asking clients to share their opinion.

Create surveys and questionnaires: Conduct surveys and distribute questionnaires to clients and include questions about their experience in them.

Organize an event for clients: Hold events where you can leave feedback in real time.

Create Video Feedback: Ask customers to record video feedback about your product or service.

Maintain an active blog: Write articles that might interest customers and invite them to leave feedback.

Maintain active interaction on social media: Respond to customer comments and questions on social networks, which may motivate them to leave a review.

Publish real reviews: Show real reviews of other customers on your website or social media for inspiration. Of course, with the permission of the clients. You can publish it in various versions.
example of a facebook text
Keep active in online forums: Participate in discussions of your brand (product) on online forums.

Constantly monitor reviews: Follow reviews, respond to them, even if they are negative. This demonstrates your desire to improve your business. As practice shows, customers are more willing to leave positive feedback on their own when they see that there is feedback. But be prepared that negative ones will also appear.

Create a mobile application and add a simple and convenient feedback process to it: A convenient application can become a bridge for feedback and leaving feedback. However, if it is intuitively understandable, you will see it for yourself.

Publish success cases: Tell us how your product or service has helped customers achieve their goals. These stories can inspire other customers to leave their opinions about the interaction with your company/product/service.
Summing up, we can say that getting positive feedback is a long—term process that requires constant effort. Remember that reviews can be a source of valuable information about your business and help you grow and develop. Be attentive to customers, provide them with excellent service, and positive feedback will come by itself. The methods listed above can be used both separately and hybrid. In this case, it all depends on you and on your strategy that you choose: Communicate with your client and hear him or hide behind excuses!

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