Why do companies need news feeds? Globally, to remind customers about the brand or interest a new audience. Abuse and thoughtless use of information channels can lead to various negative consequences. Let's look at some of them.
Your content will seem insincere, especially if the news item is not directly related to your business or product. As a result, you will spend resources on creating content and distributing it, but will not get the expected effect.
When you use popular news channels non-stop, you will inevitably face a lot of competition from other brands and companies. If your content does not contain anything new or original, the audience will pass by or even highlight the advantages of competitors who have done more creative work.
- Dependence on external factors
Using information feeds on an ongoing basis makes your business dependent on external circumstances and events. This approach neutralizes the effect of situational marketing, since the audience will treat each news item as ordinary content.
- Forming a false reputation
If a healthy food company holds a promotion on beer day, this will cause misunderstanding among the target audience, and may even turn away some loyal customers. It is important that the news feed corresponds to the values and principles of the company.