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How we received 1 416 leads for the Beauty salon in Dubai

[ case ]
Beauty salon in Dubai
AED 47 068
Spent budget
Purchases received
Quality requests
Hibrows is a microbalding beauty salon in Dubai and Zurich



The company had 17 leads per week, the number of clients was not satisfying at all. Average workload of the beauty salon was 55%, average cost of services 3 500 AED

[ who are ]


Сlient came with a request for attracting clients for the beauty salon with Instagram ads. Therefore, the goal was to: launch completely new promotion strategy to increase the amount of clients and start getting leads with our advertising work

Our promotion funnel

[ strategy ]
  • Messages campaigns. We chose this strategy because our audience prefets Instagram as a main social network. We started campaigns for messages with offer for the different audiences

direct messages requests
answering additional questions/RETARGET
choosing a procedure
People who want brow microblading
Retarget for LTV INCREASE
refuse of application
non-target lead

Our target settings

[ strategy ]

1st month Result

[ results ]
  • Our main goal was to test different audiences and collect data-base for future retarget
  • We used different ad banners and texts with unique offers for each audience to increase the conversion
208 messages
Average cost per message 45 AED
35% quality requests
14% conversion rate
20 purchases with cost per order=305 AED
Spent budget 6 100 AED

Banners for different audiences

[ Banners ]
  • People who don’t know about brow microblading
  • Customers who already visited microblading salons
CTR 3,16% highest performance 1040 leads
CTR 2,16%
210 leads
CTR 1,01%
65 leads
CTR 1,16%
101 leads

Problems we have solved

[ results ]
CTR was too low, we have changed the tempo of video teasers and improved the convesrion
For some customers location of the Salon was too far, we have changed the geo settings in order to target nearby elite areas
Qualified leads conversion was too low, we have excluded from the target settings people with low income and improved the results

3 months results

AED 47 068
Spent budget
1 416
Messages received
Purchases received
AED 258 ($70)
Cost per order
Quality requests
Million impressions
Senior traffic manager as author of article
Author - Senior traffic manager in Advertising department
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