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How we've generated 2 127 direct messages for 5,58 AED in 2 months for Innsavi beauty salon in Dubai

[ case ]
Beauty salon
Requests in direct messages
CR from lead to appointment
127 700 AED
Expected revenue
"Innsavi" is a classic beauty salon, which provides full range of beauty services: from manicure to injections. Salon has 2 spots in Dubai. The average check for services - 399 AED.

Client came with a request for promoting SMAS lifting procedure.



For attracting customers to the salon client arranged heavy price dumping for SMAS lifting services. Compared to the market, the price was almost 4 times lower. Client's company's economy survives thanks to customers' LTV who is satisfied with the result of the promotional service.

[ who are ]

And so our client expected a large flow of applications, which in prospect will come to the salon again for cheaper repeated services like manicure, eyelash extensions, beauty injections, and etc.

Direct messages - is the right sales funnel for cosmetic procedures

[ sales funnel ]
Client didn't have an opportunity to contact those, who came from lead generation. Moreover, the majority of cosmetic services clients prefer to get information via messages. That is why we chose Instagram direct messages as our effective selling strategy, and the main information about the service was described in a promotional ad.
Answering additional questions
Apply for a service
Non-target lead
Direct messages requests
Refuse of application
Women who care about maintance of their beauty
In our ads the main focus was on noticeable results after the first procedure, long lasting lifting effect, painless process and low price

We created static and animated ads

[ ADS ]
While selecting audience for our campaigns, we decided not only use interest searching, but also launch campaigns on wide audience.

However, the hypothesis of launching advertising on Dubai women with only age limitation didn't show proper results, since the lead cost there was higher, than in groups with selected interests. And that's why launched another adsets.

Our ads were displayed within 18 km around the salon due to the fact, that it is located in the city center and it would be no trouble getting there by personal vehicle or public transport.

We launched campaigns on obvious interests, connected with beauty sphere

[ our strategy ]
We created several new audience with non-obvious interest settings, which might have included women interested in self care and non-surgical rejuvenation. In addition, we slightly increased age range. Among new packs of interests we had:

Thanks to new hypotheses we managed to reduce CPL and maintain this value

[ our strategy ]
self-development, psychology and meditation
online and offline shopping lovers
women, who prefer first class traveling
hair care (coloring, extensions etc.)
yachting lovers
luxury items
By duplicating or restarting ads with a simple design and the same settings, we were able to successfully attract new users to the beauty salon using marketing strategies that had not seen our ads before. This strategy allowed us to increase the percentage of our audience, which ultimately led to an increase in the success of our advertising campaigns.

We used simple creatives and duplication of adsets to increase the number of leads

[ ADS ]
Salon's managers warmed up the people who wrote the message until they signed up for the procedure.
They sent a specially prepared message in response to each request. And then they continued the message based on the questions of a potential client. Managers talked in detail about the procedure and its effect on human skin.

At the same time, if a person stopped responding, they continued to remind him of the opportunity to enroll. And also people who suspended conversation were offered additional services. Thus, the average conversion rate from a lead to an application for the procedure was 34%.

Salon's managers warmed up the people

[ strategy ]

At the end of two months of work we resulted in

Requests in direct messages
127 700 AED
Expected revenue
Average CTR
5,58 AED
CR from lead to appointment
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